Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Mindfulness so sweet...

Today has been perfection, and I know it. I Mindfulness so sweet...
Why was the day perfect? It started with a spin class that I didn't believe would be so great, but it was closeby and easy...turned out to be amazing. (only problem- the teacher was a sub...oh well life) I was so happy sweating away, there is such a great feeling when the legs are burning and the sweat is dripping! Exercise, nothing like it. When it is part of your everyday world you don't feel well without it. So that was first thing... then I got home where my house was almost filled with sleeping boys. I love cooking a great breakfast when they are all around. The scene was that of a messy, relaxed kitchen, boys eating away and my oldest sitting amongst us from Spain. He was skyping with us and we put the computer on the table as if he was munching and enjoying with us. Beautiful music playing and sweet smells begining to emerge... those of a holiday meal to be.
Happy Thanksgiving, may it be filled with love, laughter, and mindfulness. xo ginny

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