Saturday, April 17, 2010

CSA pot luck dinner

Last night under the stars we gathered as a temple CSA to rejoice in a season of fresh beautiful produce. As a temple we made a choice to commit to a season and see how it went. It was not without its hitches, there was far more administrative tasks then were at first realized, and some families did struggle with the responsibility of understanding their ownership over their hosting day. You put those aside though, make your adjustments, shrug your shoulders and move on. The beauty of the season was intangible in some ways. Yes, the obvious tangibles were there, the gorgeous bags overflowing with produce every other Thursday...the things you couldn't touch? The knowledge gained by stretching outside the comfort zone, cooking and dealing with that unknown vegetable. The relationship that grows by becoming involved with people that normally don't cross your daily life except for the bond of trying to do better for our health and the planet. The relationships strengthened and the new ones formed are so dear to me, as I bonded with people sharing the same passion.
We sat outside had a beautiful evening filled with conversation, and great vegetarian food. The night ended with a beautiful moon, the feeling of warmth and love, and one exhausted Miss Bear. xo ginny

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