Monday, March 28, 2011

The Road to Zion

I am out west driving along with my husband, surrounded by the natural beauty of Nevada and Arizona. Every site more gorgeous than the next. I am loving this road trip so much! because this is a 'true' road trip. Not the Florida Turnpike kind of road trip where after twenty minutes I am as restless as a two year old.

Here the road is ever changing...plateaus, ridges, and austerity that the west offers so beautifully. Actually as my words are being written we are watching a cow drifting across the road, splendid in his surroundings.

My husband and I drifting alongside. 
Conversation meandering just as the road does. 
From the spiritual, to dreams- all between two people that have been living a life together. Sometimes you just assume you know everything about each other, but really nobody ever truly knows the other completely, and that is the way it should be. Always discovering new things. If all mystery were gone, for me- our life together would be unacceptable. 

For instance- I have just found out in two years, my husband plans to take a year off of work to travel the world. Glad I asked! For now I can add my dreams to his. Are we really out of here in two? Probably not, but these dreams do lead to beautiful conversation on our road trip, side by side. xo ginny


  1. What a wonderful road trip! ...with the added dreams of a trip around the world! We have lots of friends in Santa Barbara who have done this and LOVED it. Perhaps a Maderfest in Spain? :)

  2. I've been to that road before, I don't know if there are a lot of changes there already. I think not much. The pictures look pretty the same when I got there.
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