I am sitting here in NC as my mom is healing from back surgery. The boys, my husband and the lovely Miss Bear have come to keep her company.
We come in and out heading for exercising, retreating back in to sit around the table, gathering around to talk and eat.
My parents -I should include are suffering a bit at meals, they don't know what to make of all these vegetables, strange grains and lots of fish. My mother has announced she needs real food. She wants a piece of meat attached to a bone to gnaw on. Me- I just don't get how they have made no move towards eating well and exercising. It is hard to watch their bodies deteriorate, knowing it is not the way it needs to be. I have learned though to say little, it is not going to change.
I just am so grateful my sons are so into their health. At the moment they are watching the cross fit competitions while eating bowls of quinoa my son Michael cooked up. Yesterday my son Kevin and I were running and he is asking me whether Caesar salad dressing is too high in fat, and what I thought about steal cut vs rolled oat oatmeal. I am so in awe of how well they get it.
I am on the porch of my folks house reading the NY Times, there is an article on the restaurant Delancey, which is opening in Seattle. The owner Molly Wizenberg is under contract to write about her experiences in opening the restaurant. It gave me an idea to start telling my ginnybakes story. Who knows where it will lead, but it has been quite the ride so far.
I want to tell my experiences and write them as they go, so I never forget.
ginnybakes began as a journey, a continuation on a path of proving to myself I can stay a course while following a passion. Have I had my moments where I have felt so lost-absolutely. Have I giggled with such joy and pride in others, absolutely. I have lost 7 pounds from stress, gained another 10 from stress and having to taste test ginnybakes products all the time. I have had great bouts of acne like those I had as a kid. I now have a permanent Wednesday 4 pm appointment with Dr Dan Nevel, ( my acupuncturist) who has been a saving grace to my physical and mental well being. He straightened out the digestion issues, has me sleeping again, and in balance.
Am I happier than I was before this all began. Sometimes...depends whether my yoga practice, acupuncture, and exercise are in place. I know the minute that goes stress comes tearing back in, and my world as I know it, is not running the way it should. If my life is in balance I am so filled with gratitude at the journey I am following.
I have so much to share with you.
xo ginny