Tuesday, September 29, 2009

John Hopkins Update

John Hopkins Update - 


Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins : 

1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size. 

2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person's lifetime. 

3  When the person's immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors. 

4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies.. These could be due to genetic,environmental, food and lifestyle factors. 

5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet and including supplements will strengthen the immune system. 

6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract etc, and can cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc. 

7. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs. 

8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumor size. However prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor destruction. 

9. When the body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either compromised or destroyed, hence the person can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications. 

10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery can alsocause cancer cells to spread to other sites. 

11. An effective way to battle cancer is to starve the cancer cells by not feeding it with the foods it needs to multiply.. 


a. Sugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar it cuts off one important food supply to the cancer cells. Sugar substitutes likeNutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc are made with Aspartame and it is harmful. A better natural substitute would be Man uka honey or molasses, but only in very small amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in color. Better alternative is Bragg's aminos or sea salt. 

b. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened soy milk cancer cells are being starved. 

c. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer. 

d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C). 

e. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer fighting properties. Water-best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it. 

12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines becomes putrefied and leads to more toxic buildup. 

13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells. 

14. Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs etc.) to enable the bodies own killer cells to destroy cancer cells.. Other supplements like vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells. 

15. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor.Anger, un-forgiveness and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life. 

16. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level. Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells. 

1. No plastic containers in micro

2. No water bottles in freezer

3.. No plastic wrap in microwave.. 

Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in its newsletters. This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army MedicalCenter as well. Dioxin chemicals cause cancer, especially breast cancer. Dioxins are highly poisonous to the cells of our bodies. Don't freeze your plastic bottles with water in them as this releases dioxins from the plastic. Recently, Dr. Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at Cast le Hospital, was on a TV program to explain this health hazard. He talked about dioxins and how bad they are for us.. He said that we should not be heating our food in the microwave us ing plastic containers. This especially applies to foods that contain fat. He said that the combination of fat, high heat, and plastics releases dioxin into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body. Instead, he recommends using glass, such as Corning Ware, Pyrex or ceramic containers for heating food You get the same results, only without the dioxin. So such things as TV dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc., should be removed from the container and heated in something else. Pa per isn't bad but you don't know what is in the paper. It's just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc. He reminded us that a while ago some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the foam containers to paper. The dioxin problem is one of the reasons.. 

Also, he pointed out that plastic wrap, such as Saran, is just as dangerous when placed over foods to be cooked in the microwave. As the food is nuked, the high heat causes poisonous toxins to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and drip into the food. Cover food with a paper towel instead. 
This is an article that should be sent to anyone important in your life.


Friday, September 25, 2009

Why Eat Avocados?

So many people I know stay away from avocados because of their high calorie count. They are truly missing out on one of the worlds' healthiest foods.
1/2 cup has 117 kcal, 10.5g fat, 5mg sodium. 6g carbs, 5g fiber, 0.5g sugars, 1.5g protein.

Avocados are loaded with vitamins, minerals, fiber, and healthy fats. Its high levels of potassium aid in maintaining a healthy nervous system and protecting the heart. And all the vitamin E avocados contain boost the immune system, keeps your blood flowing smoothly and the fats it contains are great for your hair and skin. A little goes a long way. How about for breakfast use it on your toast as a spread?  xo ginny

why eat avocados?

Thursday, September 24, 2009

changing my course

A friend of mine told me he didn't like the blog titled a passage of time. He said it bothered him that it (the blog) was so sad and felt my sadness too strongly through it. I shrugged my shoulders and said to him the same thing I say to my boys, sadness is part of life- makes the good times sweeter. For me its hard to stay sad for long,  I am one of the lucky ones it takes a lot for me to be down. My mom likes to tell how on each birthday that came around while I was a little girl I would feel  bittersweet at my forthcoming birthday. I would tell her the previous year had been so perfect I really wasn't ready to move on. 
This time though has been a bit different having my older child in Spain and the next one off in Chicago has been a blow right at the time of the Jewish New Year. Couldn't seem to pull it together.  I guess I decided I needed to snap out of it when my two younger sons had reached their limit and pointed out they were still home. They put a vase of flowers in front of my husband and I at dinner the other night announcing for the amount we noticed them they might have been sitting at another table. That kind of got my attention...and so the detox began. Sometimes to change the course of where we are heading we need to make a sharp turn. For me its through exercise and eating. The detox did just what it needed to, I feel so light, free, renergized and focused.  Those boys of mine better watch out they have my full attention now. More than they might want...   xo  ginny

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Apetite and Satiety

Researchers from the University of Texas Southwestern reported how high-fat food could alter brain signals that regulate apetite and satiety. Researchers gave mice and rats saturated and unsaturated fat, finding that the saturated fat made its way to the brain, where it blocked the ability of the hormone leptin to regulate food intake and body weight. 
The effect can last for days setting off a cycle of cravings and overeating. Making one feel out of control. Another reason to reach for the foods we know are good for us, body and soul. Truly how we feel about ourselves is reflected in what we put in our mouths. Skip the donuts go for a beautiful bowl of wheatberries. Don't know how to change your ways?  Read books, ask for help. I know I am here as a resource for anyone that asks.  xo ginny

Monday, September 21, 2009


Twice a year I do a fairly major juice detox. 
 So many problems in our society come from excessive use of food and drugs. 
If we ask ourselves is there anything we do on a daily basis that we would really miss if we did not have it? If so this activity is a habit or addiction. There are positive habits, like exercising, eating good foods, and getting proper sleep. I am hooked or addicted you could say to feeling healthy, strong and filled with energy. Yet there are many other habits that negatively affect our life and health and can lead to a vast amount of problems-physical, mental, and emotional. Common addictions include sugar, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine and drugs.
In other cultures fasting and detoxification is part of their way of life,  in Western society it is just coming into its own.
Taking breaks from things is a good way to assess our relationship to them and is often a good way to improve our health. When we treat ourselves with more respect and self-love, of caring for the body in a positive and loving way, we will choose less polluting ways of living and this lifestyle will produce less personal and planetary toxicity.

I personally detox to ease the burden my body has of cleaning out its toxins both from the food I eat and the toxins I breathe in from our environment. When we are constantly eating our body cannot clean out waste as well. When we rest it by fasting we allow it to go after  build up instead of continually just trying to keep up with what has entered. 
If our diet is very clean and nutritious, organic and process food free,  we need to detoxify less, more if we are eating a diet that has a lot of animal fat, white foods, alcohol and sugars.
When I am detoxing the first day is always difficult. I usually begin on a Sunday which in my house is the most difficult day. (I must like to punish myself or something) Food is everywhere...a noshing day. I know ahead of time to plan a day where we head to the movies or out for a great, long walk. Depending on how I feel determines how much I exercise,  some people  have very little energy and others  are fine. Today I did weights and went spinning and felt great, full of energy and still do as night has fallen. I love the feeling of being slightly hungry knowing my body is getting so clean inside and that I am rejuvenating myself. On Thursday when I end my fast, I will feel so strong both mentally and physically. Mentally because I made a promise to myself and honored it. If not to myself how can I honor others?  That feeling of wanting to nibble will be gone. I gain a greater perspective on what my body really wants, realization occurs that I need much less food than I was consuming.  My skin will be glowing, stomache flat and most of all I will feel deeply spiritual and content because a fast is the greatest gift I give to my body's well being.    xo ginny

Saturday, September 19, 2009

My Garden

Today I was in my garden weeding, thinking, and planning for Sunday when I will plant more.
I have never had a garden before and never really thought much about growing or the experience it would offer. If I had realized the gift it offers I would have put one in long ago. Many wonderful things are coming out of it besides just the seedlings. Pride in giving life even if it is just seeds. Those seeds though will bring my family bounty as well as gifts to friends as I hand out my produce. It teaches my kids what it is to wait for something to grow instead of the instant gratification of buying. It gives me utter joy and peace. I can be in the garden and lose complete track of time. The 20 minutes I planned to spend in there turns into 45 in a heartbeat as my mind stills and my hands are busy... tranquilty.  I had friends over today and we all walked in to my beautiful garden.  I looked at my tiny sprouts that could pass for weeds and my heart swelled with the pride of what I was bringing forth.  xo  ginny

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Karyn's Cooked with Michael

Ok so I have wanted for the longest time when in Chicago to eat at Karyn's Cooked ( conscious comfort food)  She has Karyn's Raw which I have been to the market area of,  I have Karyn's detox videos on her 3 month raw detox. To say I am enamored of this woman would be correct though I have never met her personally. She is 62,  I understand looks amazing still wearing mini skirts and heels,  and after her grandmother and mother died very young from disease she decided to save herself through nutrition. She is alive, kicking and fabulous another story of the power of food and the choices we make. 
Well to make a long story more interesting when in Chicago with my troops I always lose the battle and never get to eat there. This time however is different...only Michael with me for a day and a half. No husband and 3 other guys to win over. I did good I went with Michael for pizza at midnight Miami time Friday night to a tired looking but delicious pizza institution. I think it was called Luminatis or something close. He thought I was so cool, I knew I was working it. I wanted Karyn's for lunch saturday.  Won the lunch battle had the most delicious over the top vegan pizza and raw plate. What did Michael have...he managed just fine with a budda bowl and another life experience. Hopefully everytime I introduce these guys to new eating experiences it will stay with them and one day teach their kids what good food really is. Here's to more places and people like Karyn. In the meantime when I am stuck today in a sportsbar  xo ginny

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Being mindful of the passage of time

This blog isn't about food or the holistic lifestyle but more about being aware of lifes' moments.
Tonight we took our family of 6 out for dinner though only 5 were present, the oldest being away studying in Spain.  Knowing that after dinner tonight for the majority of time the next few years dinner will be for 4 of us. This is so hard to bear.  To know me is to understand the immense pride of raising this large family of mine,  yes 4 boys. Many times over the 21 years of raising these sons of mine people would say the oddest things... like were you hoping for the girl? Are you going to keep going til you get a girl and well G-d bless you for having 4 boys! My answer to that one always was, well she did! Truly I couldn't have wished for a crazier, fuller life. I like people,  I mean I really like people, food, activity and animals. My life has been full of all of those but now it is beginning to quiet down and I am just not ready. I started talking to my husband a few years back about adopting an Asian girl. That was met with a look of pure horror. Not the Asian part mind you,  it was the 5th child thought. 
Of course I still have 2 at home but 2 is so quiet. I guess I could learn to like quietness but I wouldn't bet on it.
  As I have always told the boys being sad is ok it teaches the lesson of how sweet it is when all is well.  Thanksgiving is just around the corner right?  xo Ginny

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Organic Gardening Class

Life is just so exciting these days...the days are just not long enough! Today was another incredible day. I got invited to join a dynamic group of women who are taking a six week course by Andres Mejides, a professor at Miami Dade and the owner of Elfin Organics in The Redlands. 
I sat there taking notes and smiling the whole time. So wonderful to be learning and laughing with like-minded people.  Andres taught today on composting referring to a textbook  titled
How To Grow More Vegetables.  I was like a sponge soaking the whole encounter in. The class was at a woman's home in So. Miami. Who I had heard mentioned by two new friends.  Her mother is very involved in Slow Food Miami, so I knew this was someone who had strong ties with the natural lifestyle, and who would be a treat to meet.  I was not disappointed! Her land is covered with natural habitat to Florida as well as large areas waiting for this years seedlings to be planted.   She manages a truly organic,  involved lifestyle while raising a young family. I knew it must be wild at times because when I called her to get the details of the course she answered the phone Grand Central Station! A woman of my own heart.
Lunch was beautiful from roasted carrots done to perfection to homemade babagunish, hummus, red quinoa, and a beautiful wheat berry salad with apples, scallions. cranberries, walnuts and a vingerette dressing. So perfect,  so healthy and not an ounce of dairy or animal flesh. What a joy it was to see a meal that did not sacrifice any animals and no one there expecting it.  We were sent home with huge beautiful avocadoes,  this time I had to stop and pick up some fresh cilantro to make guacamole.  Can't wait for the cilantro in my garden to be large enough to take cuttings from.
Could not wait to come home and play  in my garden an awe inspiring day.  All I can say is know when you are happy, be conscious and mindful of it.  Savor it. I am.    xo Ginny 

Monday, September 7, 2009

Organic Metro Bistro

On this past rainy Saturday evening of Labor Day weekend we met our dear friends Nancy and Brad at a restaurant Nancy thought I would be interested in. I am so thrilled she suggested it. It is now one of my favorites that I will be returning to often. 
Metro Bistro is on Biscayne Boulevard and 70 Street adjacent to the Karma Car Wash. The restaurant has  3 tables inside, 4 stools at the cool bar,  and quite a few tables outside in their very South Beach looking patio. (lot of white and some wht drapery) 

Food is all organic coming from Global Organics, Paradise Farms (which I love go online and sign up for one of their magical dinners, Dec thru April-amazing, another blog though) and Alberts Organics. The menu is wonderful from Grass fed Burgers, Steak Frites (gentleman at the next table said it was cooked to perfection with the best chimichuri he had ever had) to unbelievable salads, fresh fish and free range chicken. I had a beet and goat cheese salad the beets were amazingly delicious. I followed it with a Tuna Nicoise salad made from seared sashimi grade yellow-fin tuna.  My husband had a Hefe Weisen Beer on tap with his dinner said it was the best Hefe Weisen he's had outside of Germany. 
Our server Akira was so professional and friendly, really helpful. Chef Nuno came out to say hello to each table which made for a great experience. He was also very kind to give me a couple of his recipes I was interested in.
Another wonderful part of the evening was meeting some of the people sitting at the table next to us. (place is cozy) As I said in the post one earlier,  when you are following your passion you tend to really enjoy the people you come across. We met Melanie and Jeff who have just moved back to the Miami area after spending a few years in Tampa.  We were chatting about organic restaurants, food and the lifestyle.  Melanie,  a breast cancer surviver is opening her own business called Pinkgrowsgreen.net. To be honest it sounded terrific, and I know it involved home products such as blankets and throws made from environmentally friendly products but I am a little fuzzy on all the details. Give Melanie a little time and then check her website. I know from meeting her it will be very worthwhile. 
I promise if you go to Metro Bistro you will love it. Lets support those of us trying to move us into a healthier more organic lifestyle!  xo Ginny

Friday, September 4, 2009

passionate about my new life

Ok,  I have decided perhaps I will not be obsolete after all when the boys leave home. Mindful Organics began with a long thought process of wondering what would happen when I grew up. (Please see my early blogs)  I am now in my forties and feel like a kid so excited  everyday to see where my new little company will take me.  It is just that I am so passionate about this world of organics and holistic lifestyle and all the doors it is opening. 
I even feel perhaps by speaking out even right here on my blog maybe my words will make a difference. I am beginning to see I have a purpose here,  that this movement is so important and that Mindful Organics is my vehicle to reach out from. Funny thing  is the more I try to reach out and teach the more I am learning from others much further along the learning curve. They  are so anxious to share their knowledge and passsion. A perfect example is a great woman I got to spend the day with today. Her name is Estella, she is an architect, wife, mom, violinst, organic gardner and community activist. I am so fortunate to have been introduced to her through my dear friend Juan Carlos. From the first moments of having met her I knew I wanted to be around her. Her karma, spirit, kindness and gentleness of manner was so present to me.  Today it was planting day and here is Estella with me in the pouring rain both of us soaked, sharing the joys of planting,  sharing some joys and sorrows of our lives. Friends already based on a shared passion. Estella is just one of the wonderful people I am having an opportunity to meet, and feel so connected to. 
Annhy who is the talent behind this website was just a business connection at first and has become a person I consider a good friend. A day without communication with Annhy is so odd. I love her ideas, creativity,  her humor, and her wise take on life. She is a free spirit and someone I have come to adore.  I guess that's what happens when you find that place in the world where you know you belong,  the place of passions.  xo Ginny

Thursday, September 3, 2009

How important is exercise?

I read a book last year that was really entertaining, well written and very inspiring. It is called Younger Next Year. I highly recommend it. My kids tease my husband and I all the time about it as we tell them how young we are getting every year.  It gives you "rules" to slow down the aging process dramatically. It delves into nutrition and is very passionate on the topic of exercise.  In particular cross training. The authors believe that exercise should be done six days a week to keep you youthful both physically and mentally.
 For myself and my family we have made it extremely high on our list of priorities.  Our kids understand their bodies are beautiful machines and need proper care and maintenance.  To keep them in  optimal condition they require exercise, great nutrition,  and to be drug free.

 I love the feel of a great sweat, and the feeling of well being that a great workout gives me. It is something I make happen regardless of what else is going on.  I take yoga, spin classes, run on the beach, and belong to a gym, The Workout Spot in Coconut Grove. It is owned by 4 great trainers.  My trainer is Damian,  he has a wide array of clients,  with all different needs. He tailors each workout to the individual. He motivates, pushes, demands and receives the best from his clients. For me the expense of having a trainer is an investment in myself. 
 Whether you use a trainer, take classes, go to boot camp, do yoga or play a sport  I hope  exercise  in whatever form you choose  becomes an integral part of your life.  Here's to our good health...   xo Ginny

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Slow Food Movement is Asking for Our Support

This Labor Day  Slow Food is sponsoring nearly 300 " Eat ins " in all 50 states to demand real food in our schools. They are asking us to attend one in our communities to add  support to like- minded individuals.  It truly is a  grass root movement to change the way we feed our kids and eat as a society. Please go to their website and involve yourself. As we all know each of us truly does make a difference.   xo Ginny