Monday, February 28, 2011

Getting Better

After the GinnyBakes oven mitts come off, the juicer stops whirring, and the boys and Miss Bear and Sam the cat are all happily fed- I retreat into what I love. Researching, constantly learning, reading and getting in touch with the lives of all of my clients. As a certified Holistic Nutrition Counselor, I see several clients for private consultations on a weekly basis.  Each one is so unique and so characteristically different in their needs.

My knowledge of holistic nutrition and positive life coaching and self-improvement has been a life long one, gained not only from my wonderful schooling at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition- but my own life experiences, travels, life choices, readings and overall intuitiveness about the human spirit. And I am so blessed and thankful each day that I am helping others make positive changes in their lives. Changes that help themselves, their families all for the better.

One client, after one of our sessions- heard a song by the Beatles and it brought on a new meaning to her more than ever before. She shared the song and her thoughts with me and I admittedly feel honored, flattered, but most of all- so proud and happy that she was feeling so great!

I am so happy and blessed to be part of her journey to better health and wellness. Thank you!
xo ginny

"Getting Better" by the Beatles
It's getting better all the time
I used to get
mad at my school (this I feel is my old patterns of eating and living)
The teachers who taught me weren't
You're holding me down,
turning me round
Filling me up with your rules.
I've got to admit it's getting better
A little better all the time
I have to admit it's getting better
It's getting better since you've been mine. (my health coach)
Me used to be a angry young (wo)man
Me hiding me head in the sand
You gave me the word
I finally heard
I'm doing the best that I can.
I've got to admit it's getting better
I used to be cruel to my woman (my body)
I beat her and kept her (my body) apart from
the things that she loved
Man I was mean but I'm changing my scene
And I'm doing the best that I can.
I admit it's getting better
A little better all the time
Yes I admit it's getting better
It's getting better since you've been mine
Getting so much better all the time!

Life with Elvia

Elvia is my gatekeeper, my person, the spoiler of my children, the Lovely Miss Bear and Sam our cat. She treats me like a little beloved girl when I come home and just want to feel like someone's little girl. She makes me tea, questions what's wrong on the rare morning I make a cup of coffee, understanding that is a signal something is keeping me up. She worries about my Dad, who, she thinks is just sensational.

She has something to say on every subject. She doesn't like the acne on one of the boy's faces, tells me I must tell my other son to shave his beard, lets us know when she doesn't care for a beloved family member's boyfriend. Opinionated beyond description.  Is she generally right? Yes.
When I buy new clothes her eyes light up, rumbling in the bag excited for me and pleased that I will look pretty in something new, she takes personal pride in that. Loving when I am out of my exercise clothes and in something elegant or sexy. She tells me I am beautiful.

I love organizing my closet with her- my feminine escape in a house of boys. She tells me I have too many boots (yes, i am a confessed boot fetishist!) so I actually hide new boots from her and put them away when she is not here. I cannot believe as a grown woman, the matriarch of all my boys, that I have to hide my boot purchases from her, an yet I do. All futile though- as she unearths them, showing them to me next day asking, "Ginny why?" and then we both giggle.

I am adored by her as are all of my men. She calls the four boys her babies, and you better believe her friends who meet them for the first time are shocked as they all tower over her. She has a special ring tone for them because she doesn't like to answer her phone on Sundays, but doesn't ever want to miss their calls should they need her. (They always seem to need her for something, a lost key, shoe or sporting apparel) They have dinner dates with her, Argentinean Steak. She plans and they pay- just like the way my boys know it better be. My husband and I are never included when she takes out the boys, it is their time.

She taught my younger two to drive as sure as my husband and I did. My husband, she believes, is perfect, and that I am just so lucky to have him. She is right of course.

She came to us not knowing how to cook and only eating beef, and thought organics were silly. She now buys all of our stuff for the house through Melaleuca, so proud of herself. She eats fish, knows all about quinoa. When formulating our juice detox recipes- Elvia's hands are as involved as mine as we work side by side blending fruits and juices, tasting every one of them to make sure they are perfect. She organizes the juices with care.

Last year when I was so bereft when my 2nd son left for college she was the one that let me be and gave me time and space until she determined it was enough. She clapped her hands at me saying, "Ok, now it's time to be happy- soon the grandchildren will come. So let's relax and enjoy the quiet for awhile." I listened. She is truly a woman who is oh so wise.

So now you're asking who is Elvia? She is family. The dearest friend to me, who also comes with the title of caretaker of the Simon Family. Sometimes people walk into your life and you know they were supposed to always be a part of it. I love this woman so much, and yet understand that if I was caught up with boundaries, I would have missed out on one of the greatest relationships in my world.
Mindfulness is also about understanding that people are so much more than the titles they carry, as they begin their journey with you. I am honored she chose us to love, my life has been incredibly richer since she entered it. Love you Elvia, mi amiga.  xo ginny

Here is Elvia's favorite recipe.  En espanol, of course!
4 personas
1 tasa de arroz
1 lata de frijoles, rojos o negros
2 chuletas de cerdo cosinadas previamente
2 pechugas de pollo cosinadas previamente
1 cebolla blanca cortada en trositos
4 hajos bien picados
2 cucharadas de aceite estra virgen
Se pone el aceite a calentar luego la cebolla ,luego el hajo
cuando esta suabe le pone el pollo y la chuleta vien picaditas en trositos
dejar 5 minutos a medio juego luego pones los frijoles
despues el arroz
remober contantemente pones un poquito de pimienta al gusto y salsa soya
puedes agregar chile picante un poquito si lo desea
servir a caliente

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Gifts from the Past

Two weeks ago- I met my cousin Lauri again.

The last time I saw her was in 1981 when I was just getting over mononucleosis. I was not in great spirits, I was stuck in the house, downing raisins by the dozen as somehow I got it in my mind they were the cure-all for mono...what was I thinking? Who knows...Anyway back to Lauri, she and her family came to Florida for a visit and that was the first and only time we met in person. (No, our family is not too dysfunctional- we are actually distant cousins hence the occasional family encounters.)

I got an email through my email, introducing herself as my cousin. I couldn't believe it, I wasn't sure how she would know it was me as I use my married name now. Lauri said Ginny is a pretty uncommon name and seeing I was from Florida, she started to read my blogs and then knew it was me when I spoke of having 4 sons. All this after a simple Google search for "healthy recipes."

She was very kind with her words and we have since communicated more.  Lauri, I hope you are reading this blog as through your words I knew once again, I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing. Connecting with people and hopefully inspiring along the way- as so many people I encounter everyday- inspire me.

I have found many people from my past through my blogs. One man from my past who wrote me songs after I left a job as a teenager. At that moment in time, he scared me a bit- but I look now and realize how kind he was to share how much he cared in the past and that I should have felt gratitude instead of fear.

I am learning through my being in contact with all of you, we inspire, learn from and are blessed to have one another in our lives, touching sometimes only through this cyber world of ours. Everyday I believe in the magic of connections.

So Lauri- thank you for making me so happy. I leave your email in my inbox so everyday as I glance over the mail, I see it and smile. On this note- should I dare share an old Aibel recipe?
Here goes...this is not a hip new one, but an old treasured one.

Grandma Bess's Mini Blintz
Take a stack of thin crust (hopefully) Whole Wheat bread. Take crusts off.
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.

In the mean time- in a mixer, mix 8 oz cream cheese with 1 stick of butter and 2 eggs.

In another bowl combine 1/2 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon of cinnamon. Mix together.

Dip the bread into the cream cheese and egg mixture, roll up and dip into the cinnamon sugar and place in a baking pan.

Bake for 30 minutes. Serve with love.

Is this a healthy organic recipe? Yes if you choose all organic eggs, bread, cheese and sugars. And yes to healthy- healthy for the mind and soul-  if you think of distant and loved family as you eat it.

Lauri I am going to think of you and my grandma as I make it for the boys. xo ginny

Baking a Ginnybakes Business

Two weeks ago on a Tuesday night, I told my husband I was thinking of putting ginnybakes to rest. I truly do not have a business sense, instead- I have drive and creativity. I seemed to be spinning my wheels, and my hero of a husband just couldn't seem to take the time to help me. My oldest son, an amazing business student, was waiting in the wings after putting together an incredible business plan. Still nothing...we had submitted our product to Whole Foods and heard- you guessed it, nothing. 

I had to redo the products to bring them in line with what was realistic to sell to a store in. At first they were created with just love. But then you realize what you believe in also has to have a reality to it, as no matter how good they are they won't sell. So much time, energy, love and yet it seemed I just couldn't seem to understand how to get them to market. My dear friend and quasi partner Annhy and I initially decided to grow ginnybakes organically, but how?

All this now seemed about to be for naught. I went to sleep that Tuesday night broken hearted over a big dream coming to a close. I didn't sleep a wink, the lovely Miss Bear and I hung out in the kitchen drinking warm almond milk with stevia and cinnamon- my comfort food. Side bar: ok at least I was, she was  dreaming of how to get into the 25lb bag of Oat Flour that she finally got hold of last night. My house this morning is covered in a white substance, that matches her nose and muzzle, the bag once full at 25 lbs yesterday now 2 lbs. She looks about 30 lbs heavier this morning with all sorts of scratching going on- but by now I think you all know about her eating disorder...

When dawn came I decided I would be miserable if I didn't go out fighting. I marched out with the energy and drive of pure adreneline. First stop: Apple A Day the first health food market on Miami Beach, the owner Riz, has a steady loyal client base even though his store is just down the street from Whole Foods. His is the small business, the mom and pop- the place you go to when you want personal service and the feel of a neighborhood place of long ago.  I was ready to plead with Riz. But I never had to, what a gentlemen he is. He said he would give it a try that day.  I was so appreciative of someone giving me a chance with no hesitation. 

It has been an exciting time for ginnybakes, we are slowly feeling some growth, with your help we might come to a market near you, delivering a product, I just really believe has a strong place in the American market place.  Finally a bake mix you can make in your own home and feel good about indulging in. I need your help: if you are in Miami Beach, go buy a mix or pick up a two pack at Apple A Day. While you are there say hi to Riz and look around, for you are in a hidden gem.

As for me, it has been chaotic and fun, and got me a bit off balance. Back on track 3 days of yoga in a row. Thursday night when I went I could feel my frenetic energy, I could not stay settled in a balance pose, kept falling out. I understood, and once again felt marvel over the mind- body connection. By the end of class I was relaxed in my own body again. I felt strong, sated and oh so relaxed. 

Today before yoga I started the day with a beautiful smoothie.
Here is what I made:

1 piece fresh coconut meat
1/4 Cup papaya
1/2 Cup almond milk 
 3 large leaves kale
1 TBL ground flaxseed
Blended in my vitamix with a handful of ice.

Rode my bike to yoga,  felt so clean and happy. Class was just perfect and my husband and the lovely, itchy Miss Bear were there waiting for me when class let out.  We rode on home and once again I felt like such an incredibly fortunate woman, living in the moment- so beautiful.

May it be a mindful week for you with moments of pure joy and gratitude.    xo ginny

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Fitness For YOU

I think by now, unless you are truly in denial (or living under a rock!) you know that exercise is a necessary component to living a full healthy life. In theory I strongly support Michael Pollan's theory- eat good foods, not too much and mostly plants. However a question frequently posed is: which is more important, good exercise or good nutrition?

I believe no amount of exercise in the world will take you to your optimum health unless you are also eating whole clean foods. When I say that, I mean for your OWN body. Yes, there is the understanding that calories taken in vs. burned, is what leads to a healthier number on the scale- yet what works for one individual might not work for another.

First, there is much debate about how much protein a body needs to maintain a strong and effective exercise routine and muscle mass. Some of the strongest athletes are strictly Vegan.  For others, the Paleo Diet works. And for others, The 21 day Clean Diet has changed their lives. On this note- when a new client comes to me, I never assume what will work until we explore their eating styles, cravings, digestion, many facets to look at. So undoubtedly the same applies to exercise.

Lately in South Beach (approximately 1st street north to 17th street in Miami Beach) the exercise possibilities have exploded! Again there are so many choices- no particular one better than another. You have to try several before you start to see your own results. Personally I have explored a lot of the options and here are my favorites, though each very different in style from the other.

Crossfit Miami Beach on 9th and Alton is owned by two guys, Nate and Mike. Crossfit Workouts which are called WODS -Workout of the Day. Crossfit gyms are all across the US and Canada and involve cardio, weights and innovative movements, that are fast paced, competitive, and short (some workouts are 20 minutes!).  I think the world of Jason, the early morning instructor, he is interested and treats everyone has if he is your own personal trainer making sure your form is correct. (Tell them you read my blog and take a free class!)

Green Monkey- can't tell you more than that I am a Yogi and this is my home. They now have 3 locations, South Miami, Miami Beach, and Midtown Miami- there is a level and class for everyone!

Jetset Pilates 110 Washington Avenue, ground floor of the Cosmopolitan condo. This is no ordinary Pilates class. You exhaust each muscle group. Wow were my quads on fire! My new love- a really cool, amazing hard core workout.

My trainer Jeff Shepard is opening his new gym Symbio this week on Purdy Avenue. Gorgeous, an unbelievable amount of equipment, a variety of classes and what makes it unique- Biofit. Biofit is their medical component to fitness which helps determine what foods and exercise type your body processes and reacts to best. Definitely useful information! And I must say that their views to the bay are beautiful, as you are doing your cardio. Whether you choose to hire Jeff or any of the trainers, or just join with a regular membership, I strongly recommend it if you live on the beach.  (You could be like me and 'live' on Purdy Avenue all morning between Green Monkey and Symbio- considering they are neighbors!)

And last but not least, Miami is now big time- joining NY and LA with our very own Soul Cycle. It is in the Mondrian Hotel on West Avenue. Great music, great instructors and you even use hand weights during the workout to make sure your upper body is not left without getting its cuts.

Whatever you choose to be your fitness kick- make sure to nourish and rehydrate the body afterwards.
What I recover with is a great smoothie. Here is one of my favorites.

Acai Smoothie
3.5 oz frozen Acai puree
1 Banana
1/2 cup frozen Raspberries
1/2 cup Pomegranate juice
1 TBSP Agave nector
1 TBSP spoon ground Flaxseeds.
Blend well and enjoy
Add protein powder if desired. I like Shapefood or Sun Warrior- my favorite Vegan protein powder.

Hope this gets you going! And if you have a class or fitness facility you would like to add please share and post it under comments. We would love to hear what else is going on out there in this ever expanding world of fitness!

Happy sweating!!!  XO Ginny

Thursday, February 10, 2011


I have noticed lately my blogs have been very soulful, so lets make today's a little fun and light hearted...a cooking blog!

I met with one of my favorite clients today.  I showed her how to whip up a few quick sauces and quick basics just to show her how easy it is to put together a quick meal. One of my recent personal faves has been the Parsley Sauce from Michael's Genuine newest cookbook "Down-To-Earth: For People Who Love to Eat"(which I very very highly recommend!). I have always loved Michael's very simple and earthy approach to food, and his restaurant here in Miami is a loved favorite in our house (and James Beard thinks so too, as Michael Schwartz was deservingly awarded the award for best chef in 2010!)

In no time, we managed to enjoy great conversation, laughter and whipped up three great recipes from the cookbook and my very own recipe for Sauteed Tuna, quick and perfect to top salads, mix into brown rice pasta or tofu noodles.  Try all of these simple recipes out and incorporate them into your regular cooking regime. All perfect, flavorful, delicious and well, lighthearted.  xo ginny

Parsley Sauce by Michael Schwartz
1 cup firmly packed, fresh, flat-leaf parsley leaves
3 tablespoons of capers, drained and rinsed
2 anchovies in oil, drained
3 garlic cloves, coarsely chopped
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil

Put the parsley, capers, anchovies, garlic, pepper and oil in a blender. Puree until the mixture is completely smooth and bright green. The sauce should be wet and slightly soupy in consistency.

Perfect to spoon over grilled meats, or as a dip for crudites or foccacia. Make ahead of time and refrigerate or blend right before using. Whatever works best for you! 

Makes about 3/4 cup.

Roasted Garlic by Michael Schwartz
1 cup peeled garlic cloves (about 40)
2 cups of canola oil

Preheat the oven to 325' F. Put the garlic cloves in a single layer in a small baking pan. Pour in enough oil to cover the garlic completely. Cover the pan tightly with aluminum foil and bake for 1 hour or until the cloves are very soft. Be sure that the garlic does not brown, or worse, burn. Cool the roasted garlic in the oil.  To make garlic puree: Remove the garlic cloves from the oil and smash the soft garlic cloves in a bowl with the back of a spoon, or in a mini chopper. Add 1 to 2 tablespoons of the garlic oil and mix to combine. The roasted garlic, whole or pureed, will keep covered in the refrigerator for up to 1 week. Store the whole cloves in the oil.

Makes 1/2 cup of roasted whole cloves or 1/2 cup of puree.

Provencal Vinaigrette by Michael Schwartz
1 beefsteak tomato, seeded and finely diced
12 pitted green olives, such as Manzanilla, finely diced
1 jarred roasted red peer, rinsed and chopped
2 shallots, minced
1/4 cup capers, drained and rinsed
1/2 tsp. chopped fresh thyme
Finely grated zest and juice of 1/2 lemon
1 1/2 tsp. sherry vinegar
1/2 cup extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 tsp. kosher salt
1/4 tsp. freshly ground black pepper

In a bowl, combine the tomatoes, olives, red pepper, shallots, capers, thyme, lemon zest and juice, vinegar and oil. Stir the ingredients gently but thoroughly. Season with salt and pepper. The vinaigrette can be made 1 day ahead of serving and will keep for 7 days covered in the fridge.

Makes 2 cups.

Tuna Sautee
1 can Albacore, high quality Tuna, packed in water
1/2 cup of extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 cup red onion, diced
garlic, 5 cloves, finely chopped
1/2 cup cherry tomatoes, halved
1 tsp. rosemary, chopped
1 tsp. parsley, chopped
4 tbsp. balsamic vinegar
salt and pepper

Sautee tuna, onion, garlic, tomatoes, rosemary, parsley in the olive oil until onions are translucent and soft. Remove from heat and add balsamic vinegar and salt and pepper to taste.  Put over a fresh salad, or mix into brown rice pasta or onto tofu noodles topped with parmesan cheese. Delicious, quick and full of protein!

Monday, February 7, 2011

The Family that Asanas Together, Stays Together

I cannot express the joy and pride I feel when I enter a Yoga studio with two of my boys and husband in tow.  I feel so incredibly blessed as I waited a long time for this to happen. And though I have been practicing for many years now, there was a time in my life where I was searching for some answers.

I went to see my Rabbi, who thought I should start Karate. He felt I needed more secure boundaries because I wasn't reserving enough of ‘me’ for me.  Instead, I walked into a Yoga studio and never looked back.

Yoga became my refuge, where I went alone each morning and practiced in a very small group, doing Mysore. Everyone in their own space, movements and pace.  Peace. Silence.  Then heading home afterwards to a very young and busy household of 4 young babes, feeling ready and so happy to be back in the fold of the action.  I thrived on this contrast. Yoga does that for you, gives you clarity and the understanding of your place in the world.

Understandably, I wanted to share this with my family, but my four sons and very athletic husband met me with strong resistance, not understanding that Yoga isn't about how much weight you lift or how many push ups you can do, but instead about the total package, mind, body and spirit. Not to mention that the body strengthens itself quite beautifully with Yoga.

It took my youngest son's Lacrosse coach calling me and telling me my son needed Yoga. That the stretching would strengthen and lengthen his muscles- so that when he came into LAX season after completing basketball, his injuries would lessen. They wanted him performing hard. And when the coach speaks versus the mom, things happen. And so- Kevin was sold, and one of his older brothers became interested as well (insert glorious choir chant here!).  I called on my long time friend and beloved Green Monkey instructor- Amy Rabin to work with my boys. To make them fall in love with Yoga. And she succeeded. I have no idea how she managed it so quickly and so thoroughly but they are true Yogis now. Kevin now wants, when his schedule allows, to become a certified Yoga instructor and now I see Michael opening up to a more spiritual side of life.  Now you'll see them around the Green Monkey Treehouse regularly during school and sport season breaks.

So please know that when they walk in with me my heart is feeling so full, and I am so filled with love. My husband- seeing us all with mats in hand, raring to go- threw in the towel and now joins us. And now each time he comes along, I am so grateful and bursting with an increased love for this man that I adore.  So on this coming Valentine’s Day I pay tribute to my Yoga studio, to Amy, my fellow Yogis and mostly to these gorgeous men I get to claim as my own. And my family- stronger, spiritually synchronized and beautifully aligned. I am blessed.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Comfort Food for My Stormy Night

Miami today was so gorgeous, warm, but not hot, dry with a little humidity. A day we Floridians live in Florida for. The news though told the story of the monster storm, the largest storm of recent history covering over 2,000 miles. Airports were closing all over the nation. I could feel a buzz all over, between the goings on in Eygpt and the monster storm, I was glued to CNN.

Funny without realizing it til I was midway through cooking dinner, I was making a comfort food dinner, as if I too was in the midst of harsh elements. Gathering family around a warm meal. I laughed at myself and yet understood. One of my sons is in school in Chicago. He was having a PJ day in the frat house, chaos in their kitchen as the cook could not make it in. I longed to be there, maybe not around all those guys, they would really be wondering about me...but just with my son hanging out. Cozy- watching the elements go by the window.  For some reason I found it hard to comprehend him living such a life so different and far from us. My comfort food was a way of connecting to him. Once again the heart strings pull tight.

I overcooked by quite a lot, but who wouldn't on a cold stormy night.

My made up pasta recipe. Lets call it- White Bean Roasted Tomato Sauce

I had a white bean puree sitting in the refrigerator (white beans cooked from scratch or canned-rinse well). The puree was made by cooking the finished beans in olive oil, garlic,  rosemary and salt and pepper. Add grated best quality Parmesan cheese. (I used food processor) blend to puree.

To this I added roasted tomatoes and basil (from my garden). Roast cherry or grape tomatoes in olive oil,  salt and pepper, and tons of fresh chopped basil.

Then I combined the two mixtures in a large sautee pan.
Then a lot of zucchini- chopped and added to the pan. Then I left everything on low heat, added more olive oil, stirred frequently to blend the bean mixture thoroughly so it thinned out.

I boiled salted water to cook penne pasta.

While this was going on- I cut up a large butternut squash, again tossed with olive oil, S&P, and added sage. I roasted it in a preheated oven at 425 for 30 minutes. Then added 1/2 cup maple syrup and mixed gently but well.  I cooked it another 20 minutes and then added grated pecorino cheese, to the hot squash. Absolutely incredible.

I also made kale chips spray with olive oil spray (less oil that way) sprinkle with salt cook 25 min at 300degrees. Remove leaves from stem and cut into chip size.

Since I was almost finished cooking- but not quite- I took more basil and fresh arugula (both from the garden), then took some large tomatoes- and cut them in thick rings and laid them over the arugula with fresh organic mozzarella, with a splash of some balsamic vinegar and you guessed it, olive oil.

We lingered over the meal as comfort food has a way of drawing us in tight. Conversation was ongoing, homework and responsibilities waited, and Bear on cue seemed to get it she snored soundly in the background, while the beautiful, balmy South Florida night seemed so very far away.

xo ginny