Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Baking a Ginnybakes Business

Two weeks ago on a Tuesday night, I told my husband I was thinking of putting ginnybakes to rest. I truly do not have a business sense, instead- I have drive and creativity. I seemed to be spinning my wheels, and my hero of a husband just couldn't seem to take the time to help me. My oldest son, an amazing business student, was waiting in the wings after putting together an incredible business plan. Still nothing...we had submitted our product to Whole Foods and heard- you guessed it, nothing. 

I had to redo the products to bring them in line with what was realistic to sell to a store in. At first they were created with just love. But then you realize what you believe in also has to have a reality to it, as no matter how good they are they won't sell. So much time, energy, love and yet it seemed I just couldn't seem to understand how to get them to market. My dear friend and quasi partner Annhy and I initially decided to grow ginnybakes organically, but how?

All this now seemed about to be for naught. I went to sleep that Tuesday night broken hearted over a big dream coming to a close. I didn't sleep a wink, the lovely Miss Bear and I hung out in the kitchen drinking warm almond milk with stevia and cinnamon- my comfort food. Side bar: ok at least I was, she was  dreaming of how to get into the 25lb bag of Oat Flour that she finally got hold of last night. My house this morning is covered in a white substance, that matches her nose and muzzle, the bag once full at 25 lbs yesterday now 2 lbs. She looks about 30 lbs heavier this morning with all sorts of scratching going on- but by now I think you all know about her eating disorder...

When dawn came I decided I would be miserable if I didn't go out fighting. I marched out with the energy and drive of pure adreneline. First stop: Apple A Day the first health food market on Miami Beach, the owner Riz, has a steady loyal client base even though his store is just down the street from Whole Foods. His is the small business, the mom and pop- the place you go to when you want personal service and the feel of a neighborhood place of long ago.  I was ready to plead with Riz. But I never had to, what a gentlemen he is. He said he would give it a try that day.  I was so appreciative of someone giving me a chance with no hesitation. 

It has been an exciting time for ginnybakes, we are slowly feeling some growth, with your help we might come to a market near you, delivering a product, I just really believe has a strong place in the American market place.  Finally a bake mix you can make in your own home and feel good about indulging in. I need your help: if you are in Miami Beach, go buy a mix or pick up a two pack at Apple A Day. While you are there say hi to Riz and look around, for you are in a hidden gem.

As for me, it has been chaotic and fun, and got me a bit off balance. Back on track 3 days of yoga in a row. Thursday night when I went I could feel my frenetic energy, I could not stay settled in a balance pose, kept falling out. I understood, and once again felt marvel over the mind- body connection. By the end of class I was relaxed in my own body again. I felt strong, sated and oh so relaxed. 

Today before yoga I started the day with a beautiful smoothie.
Here is what I made:

1 piece fresh coconut meat
1/4 Cup papaya
1/2 Cup almond milk 
 3 large leaves kale
1 TBL ground flaxseed
Blended in my vitamix with a handful of ice.

Rode my bike to yoga,  felt so clean and happy. Class was just perfect and my husband and the lovely, itchy Miss Bear were there waiting for me when class let out.  We rode on home and once again I felt like such an incredibly fortunate woman, living in the moment- so beautiful.

May it be a mindful week for you with moments of pure joy and gratitude.    xo ginny

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