Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Gifts from the Past

Two weeks ago- I met my cousin Lauri again.

The last time I saw her was in 1981 when I was just getting over mononucleosis. I was not in great spirits, I was stuck in the house, downing raisins by the dozen as somehow I got it in my mind they were the cure-all for mono...what was I thinking? Who knows...Anyway back to Lauri, she and her family came to Florida for a visit and that was the first and only time we met in person. (No, our family is not too dysfunctional- we are actually distant cousins hence the occasional family encounters.)

I got an email through my info@mindfulorganics.com email, introducing herself as my cousin. I couldn't believe it, I wasn't sure how she would know it was me as I use my married name now. Lauri said Ginny is a pretty uncommon name and seeing I was from Florida, she started to read my blogs and then knew it was me when I spoke of having 4 sons. All this after a simple Google search for "healthy recipes."

She was very kind with her words and we have since communicated more.  Lauri, I hope you are reading this blog as through your words I knew once again, I am doing exactly what I am supposed to be doing. Connecting with people and hopefully inspiring along the way- as so many people I encounter everyday- inspire me.

I have found many people from my past through my blogs. One man from my past who wrote me songs after I left a job as a teenager. At that moment in time, he scared me a bit- but I look now and realize how kind he was to share how much he cared in the past and that I should have felt gratitude instead of fear.

I am learning through my being in contact with all of you, we inspire, learn from and are blessed to have one another in our lives, touching sometimes only through this cyber world of ours. Everyday I believe in the magic of connections.

So Lauri- thank you for making me so happy. I leave your email in my inbox so everyday as I glance over the mail, I see it and smile. On this note- should I dare share an old Aibel recipe?
Here goes...this is not a hip new one, but an old treasured one.

Grandma Bess's Mini Blintz
Take a stack of thin crust (hopefully) Whole Wheat bread. Take crusts off.
Preheat the oven to 325 degrees.

In the mean time- in a mixer, mix 8 oz cream cheese with 1 stick of butter and 2 eggs.

In another bowl combine 1/2 cup sugar, 1 tablespoon of cinnamon. Mix together.

Dip the bread into the cream cheese and egg mixture, roll up and dip into the cinnamon sugar and place in a baking pan.

Bake for 30 minutes. Serve with love.

Is this a healthy organic recipe? Yes if you choose all organic eggs, bread, cheese and sugars. And yes to healthy- healthy for the mind and soul-  if you think of distant and loved family as you eat it.

Lauri I am going to think of you and my grandma as I make it for the boys. xo ginny

1 comment:

  1. Dear Ginny,
    You are amazing! Thank you for making me the subject of your blog and I am delighted to have Aunt Bess's blintz recipe. I'm not sure I mentioned it, but I have embarked on a massive genealogy project that spans six generations. I will not only make the treats, I will add the recipe to the archive section of the family tree. Thank you for making the world a little healthier and happier.
    X, Lauri


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