Monday, February 28, 2011

Getting Better

After the GinnyBakes oven mitts come off, the juicer stops whirring, and the boys and Miss Bear and Sam the cat are all happily fed- I retreat into what I love. Researching, constantly learning, reading and getting in touch with the lives of all of my clients. As a certified Holistic Nutrition Counselor, I see several clients for private consultations on a weekly basis.  Each one is so unique and so characteristically different in their needs.

My knowledge of holistic nutrition and positive life coaching and self-improvement has been a life long one, gained not only from my wonderful schooling at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition- but my own life experiences, travels, life choices, readings and overall intuitiveness about the human spirit. And I am so blessed and thankful each day that I am helping others make positive changes in their lives. Changes that help themselves, their families all for the better.

One client, after one of our sessions- heard a song by the Beatles and it brought on a new meaning to her more than ever before. She shared the song and her thoughts with me and I admittedly feel honored, flattered, but most of all- so proud and happy that she was feeling so great!

I am so happy and blessed to be part of her journey to better health and wellness. Thank you!
xo ginny

"Getting Better" by the Beatles
It's getting better all the time
I used to get
mad at my school (this I feel is my old patterns of eating and living)
The teachers who taught me weren't
You're holding me down,
turning me round
Filling me up with your rules.
I've got to admit it's getting better
A little better all the time
I have to admit it's getting better
It's getting better since you've been mine. (my health coach)
Me used to be a angry young (wo)man
Me hiding me head in the sand
You gave me the word
I finally heard
I'm doing the best that I can.
I've got to admit it's getting better
I used to be cruel to my woman (my body)
I beat her and kept her (my body) apart from
the things that she loved
Man I was mean but I'm changing my scene
And I'm doing the best that I can.
I admit it's getting better
A little better all the time
Yes I admit it's getting better
It's getting better since you've been mine
Getting so much better all the time!

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