Monday, February 28, 2011

Life with Elvia

Elvia is my gatekeeper, my person, the spoiler of my children, the Lovely Miss Bear and Sam our cat. She treats me like a little beloved girl when I come home and just want to feel like someone's little girl. She makes me tea, questions what's wrong on the rare morning I make a cup of coffee, understanding that is a signal something is keeping me up. She worries about my Dad, who, she thinks is just sensational.

She has something to say on every subject. She doesn't like the acne on one of the boy's faces, tells me I must tell my other son to shave his beard, lets us know when she doesn't care for a beloved family member's boyfriend. Opinionated beyond description.  Is she generally right? Yes.
When I buy new clothes her eyes light up, rumbling in the bag excited for me and pleased that I will look pretty in something new, she takes personal pride in that. Loving when I am out of my exercise clothes and in something elegant or sexy. She tells me I am beautiful.

I love organizing my closet with her- my feminine escape in a house of boys. She tells me I have too many boots (yes, i am a confessed boot fetishist!) so I actually hide new boots from her and put them away when she is not here. I cannot believe as a grown woman, the matriarch of all my boys, that I have to hide my boot purchases from her, an yet I do. All futile though- as she unearths them, showing them to me next day asking, "Ginny why?" and then we both giggle.

I am adored by her as are all of my men. She calls the four boys her babies, and you better believe her friends who meet them for the first time are shocked as they all tower over her. She has a special ring tone for them because she doesn't like to answer her phone on Sundays, but doesn't ever want to miss their calls should they need her. (They always seem to need her for something, a lost key, shoe or sporting apparel) They have dinner dates with her, Argentinean Steak. She plans and they pay- just like the way my boys know it better be. My husband and I are never included when she takes out the boys, it is their time.

She taught my younger two to drive as sure as my husband and I did. My husband, she believes, is perfect, and that I am just so lucky to have him. She is right of course.

She came to us not knowing how to cook and only eating beef, and thought organics were silly. She now buys all of our stuff for the house through Melaleuca, so proud of herself. She eats fish, knows all about quinoa. When formulating our juice detox recipes- Elvia's hands are as involved as mine as we work side by side blending fruits and juices, tasting every one of them to make sure they are perfect. She organizes the juices with care.

Last year when I was so bereft when my 2nd son left for college she was the one that let me be and gave me time and space until she determined it was enough. She clapped her hands at me saying, "Ok, now it's time to be happy- soon the grandchildren will come. So let's relax and enjoy the quiet for awhile." I listened. She is truly a woman who is oh so wise.

So now you're asking who is Elvia? She is family. The dearest friend to me, who also comes with the title of caretaker of the Simon Family. Sometimes people walk into your life and you know they were supposed to always be a part of it. I love this woman so much, and yet understand that if I was caught up with boundaries, I would have missed out on one of the greatest relationships in my world.
Mindfulness is also about understanding that people are so much more than the titles they carry, as they begin their journey with you. I am honored she chose us to love, my life has been incredibly richer since she entered it. Love you Elvia, mi amiga.  xo ginny

Here is Elvia's favorite recipe.  En espanol, of course!
4 personas
1 tasa de arroz
1 lata de frijoles, rojos o negros
2 chuletas de cerdo cosinadas previamente
2 pechugas de pollo cosinadas previamente
1 cebolla blanca cortada en trositos
4 hajos bien picados
2 cucharadas de aceite estra virgen
Se pone el aceite a calentar luego la cebolla ,luego el hajo
cuando esta suabe le pone el pollo y la chuleta vien picaditas en trositos
dejar 5 minutos a medio juego luego pones los frijoles
despues el arroz
remober contantemente pones un poquito de pimienta al gusto y salsa soya
puedes agregar chile picante un poquito si lo desea
servir a caliente

1 comment:

  1. We had the pleasure of meeting you and Elvia the night we came to your home for a private vegetarian cooking experience Dec 2009. That night has remained very present in our minds ever since. We speak of it often. You are ALL very special people!


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