Monday, February 7, 2011

The Family that Asanas Together, Stays Together

I cannot express the joy and pride I feel when I enter a Yoga studio with two of my boys and husband in tow.  I feel so incredibly blessed as I waited a long time for this to happen. And though I have been practicing for many years now, there was a time in my life where I was searching for some answers.

I went to see my Rabbi, who thought I should start Karate. He felt I needed more secure boundaries because I wasn't reserving enough of ‘me’ for me.  Instead, I walked into a Yoga studio and never looked back.

Yoga became my refuge, where I went alone each morning and practiced in a very small group, doing Mysore. Everyone in their own space, movements and pace.  Peace. Silence.  Then heading home afterwards to a very young and busy household of 4 young babes, feeling ready and so happy to be back in the fold of the action.  I thrived on this contrast. Yoga does that for you, gives you clarity and the understanding of your place in the world.

Understandably, I wanted to share this with my family, but my four sons and very athletic husband met me with strong resistance, not understanding that Yoga isn't about how much weight you lift or how many push ups you can do, but instead about the total package, mind, body and spirit. Not to mention that the body strengthens itself quite beautifully with Yoga.

It took my youngest son's Lacrosse coach calling me and telling me my son needed Yoga. That the stretching would strengthen and lengthen his muscles- so that when he came into LAX season after completing basketball, his injuries would lessen. They wanted him performing hard. And when the coach speaks versus the mom, things happen. And so- Kevin was sold, and one of his older brothers became interested as well (insert glorious choir chant here!).  I called on my long time friend and beloved Green Monkey instructor- Amy Rabin to work with my boys. To make them fall in love with Yoga. And she succeeded. I have no idea how she managed it so quickly and so thoroughly but they are true Yogis now. Kevin now wants, when his schedule allows, to become a certified Yoga instructor and now I see Michael opening up to a more spiritual side of life.  Now you'll see them around the Green Monkey Treehouse regularly during school and sport season breaks.

So please know that when they walk in with me my heart is feeling so full, and I am so filled with love. My husband- seeing us all with mats in hand, raring to go- threw in the towel and now joins us. And now each time he comes along, I am so grateful and bursting with an increased love for this man that I adore.  So on this coming Valentine’s Day I pay tribute to my Yoga studio, to Amy, my fellow Yogis and mostly to these gorgeous men I get to claim as my own. And my family- stronger, spiritually synchronized and beautifully aligned. I am blessed.

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