Thursday, January 28, 2010

alternative care

This morning I went to see Karen Levy, a homepathic doctor, who was giving a talk to Mom's, explaining her role as a homeopathic.

What she had to say made so much sense, preventative care is the way to go and she offers alternatives to antibiotics except in extreme cases such as strep. She listens to a patients' words down to asking them the sensations, locations and pain levels of a headache. She is not interested in hearing only that someone has one. A homeopathic, is trained to be an excellent listener, with the time and patience to care for each of their patients as individuals, not as an insurance number. See a homeopath, check out alternative care. It is cutting edge and the way of the future when we all understand we are our own keepers, we are the only one who can truly tune into our own systen.

For me I use a wonderful accupuncturist once a week every week for about 4 months a year. After the 2nd year, she mentioned I seem to have a disturbance in my sleep at the same time each year. She noticed from taking the time to review my chart and spending time really attentive to my words and body. At first I laughed it off. Not anymore. I learned from listening and accepting my body as a beautiful piece of machinery, that it needs tune ups and maintenance and most of all honor bestowed upon it to function optimally. My body does not make the daylight savings time change. My rhythms get off, and terrible insomnia used to set in. Before I discovered accupunture I was a miserable night owl for long periods. I started With Dr. Chen, after a visit to my internist. I explained my sleep issue and I thought made very clear I was not into sleep medications. His only offer was take them just for a few months, and out the door he walked. Guess what... I walked through that door a few minutes later and never looked back. I need someone to take the time to truly want to prevent and heal. No bandaid treatments for me. xo ginny

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