Sunday, January 17, 2010


I am not sure why but my yoga has been off a bit lately. I have not been putting in the time it deserves. Yoga is a gift to the body but with anything else when you don't use it you lose it. I have been in the gym, spinning, running etc but a recent IT band problem is keeping me side lined on the running. I am one of those people that truly needs to exercise. Kind of lost without it. At one point for nearly 7 years I did yoga religiously from 8:30- 10 everyday. The first year and a 1/2 was magical, a deep departure from the rest of the day as a wife and mom. I was just a yogi doing her thing. It wasn't where my usual group of friends would ever be. I loved that aspect of was my oasis, hideaway. It was a place where we had a pretty crazy, but brilliant guru who back then was called Hanuman. He is back to being Wayne now. He taught me two of the most valuable lessons I carry with me. Respond do not react and It's not about you. They sound so simple but when you really delve into them and start to use them and teach them to those closest to you they are a gift of wisdom you constantly reach for. I ran into Wayne on the last day of the year in the morning after not seeing him for many years, I felt it was a gift, a reminder of where I need to be. For me yoga keeps me balanced, happy, calm and strong in mind and spirit. Sunday morning found me in a most beautiful class. It was not as tough as I usually want and I embraced that instead of fighting it. I felt myself growing longer as my muscles were feeling the stretch, I felt my mind working through thoughts and being calmer as each moment passed. I felt such gratitude to be there. Thank you to my old guru for walking into my path at the correct moment. xo ginny

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