Saturday, June 26, 2010

Respond Don't React

Sometimes even when we are very aware of our boundaries, and the way we want to conduct ourselves, we find someone or something that disrupts our serenity. I try and live by the mantra my yoga guru taught me long ago, respond don't react. When you really turn that phrase over and over again it takes on a huge significance in the way we conduct ourselves.
yesterday I found myself upset with a turn of events with someone in my world. It left me thinking, and took away some of my peace. I found myself reacting to their words instead of responding giving me internal stress. I slept on it and went to yoga this morning where Paul, who was teaching the class had such pearls of wisdom about not needing to do battle. Explaining that how you feel internally, not proving your point but rather surrendering is the way to release. That does not mean you bend to others battles, but rather carry the knowledge inside of knowing every thought of ours does not need to be released or argued. We can hold our thoughts close to heart, and empower ourselves with the keeping of our emotions to ourself, understanding we only need our own personal acceptance of our behavior, to honor oneself, we give better to others. Thank you Paul for the wonderful reminder this morning. I do believe where you are meant to be is where you will find yourself. Yoga this morning balanced me in all areas, mind, body and soul. What a gift. Namaste. xo ginny

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