Monday, November 29, 2010

My Friend's Strength

It is the Sunday night after Thanksgiving and I cannot sleep. I am tossing and turning. The lovely Miss Bear feels my restfulness and is at my side slamming into the bed for reassurance, all is ok. (and yes, Miss Bear only moves in big heavy lumbering motions)
The reason I cannot sleep is that I have a dear friend who just had a dbl masectomy and is suffering so. She keeps a blogsite of her ordeal and I just read several days worth before going to bed tonight.
My friend is teaching wisdom and inspiration as she struggles so, her candidness, power and strength overwhelming in the face of her battle. She keeps looking for SL (silver linings) and finds them in so many simple pleasures. The giggles she shares with friends, the all encompassing strength of her small daughter's strong, wrap around leg hugs, as this is the best way for them to love right now.
I feel such pain and love for her tonight, in such a raw way.
Why do bad things happen to extraordinary people sometimes? I don't know, no one does.  I know my friend is seizing the moment in every way she can. Sharing, making those of us with the gift of her friendship more aware every moment of what can happen in our lives. Mindfulness in its roughest form.
I love you my friend, Good night. May dreams at least keep the pain at bay til morn.
xo ginny

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