Friday, March 4, 2011

Smoothie Operator

My youngest two high-school sons walk into the kitchen every morning at 6:53am and leave by 7 (why and how they have both coordinated a tandem 6:53am walk in- I have no idea!). Then at the end of each day, one of two arrives back home at 6:30pm and the other, not until 8:45 pm- after practice. I can't really push for them to be in any earlier since they are up late with homework anyway.

My joy and responsibility is to get something into them that is highly nutritious, and quick for them to take down. Most days- it's a great smoothie. I wish I could serve it green, so the kale or spinach could announce its emerald green beauty in the glass, but my boys will revolt!

So, I am sneaky and smooth. I cover the green with a bright colored fruit such as raspberries or strawberries, and only after they happily drink it do I tell them what was in it. I do this so they understand and become more open to foods they perceive to be awful tasting. Many a masked-green smoothie later- are they slowly learning that certain foods are actually becoming part of their world. When they finish their last sips- I tell them all the wonderful vitamins, minerals and nutrients that just entered their systems. Do they always pay attention? No. But 6:53am is pretty early, and the seven beautiful moments/minutes I have them in the morning are oh so fleeting. But oh so blissful for me.  Have a beautiful, healthy day M and K. Love you!  xo Mom

My Secretly Green Smoothie
1/2  organic Haas avocado
2 leaves organic kale
1 cup of organic orange juice
1 cup organic strawberries, fresh or frozen
1 organic banana
1 tbsp ground flaxseed (for some omegas and protein!)

1. Throw all ingredients into a Vitamix or high-speed blender- and blend until everything is liquified.

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