Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spring Greens

It's March. Spring is here! Time for some spring cleaning in your home, your mind but especially, your body. It's a great time to lose weight and increase energy. On that note- I have one word for you. Salad.
I know it's no surprise, or some new magic solution or exciting new culinary venture- but you really cannot deny the power of salads. They are nutritious, filling and even more satisfying that you can imagine.

If you have been raised on the notion that "salads" are made with lettuce- whether it be romaine, iceberg or butter and that they are eaten before or after a meal as a side dish...I urge you to squash that notion at the end of reading this blog. Salads need to take on a new meaning in your life. You just need to get a little creative and adventurous in the produce aisle and give in some of your elbow grease in the kitchen. The salad should be seen as a "main dish"- as they are true food and fuel for the clean and lean body.

Start to see your "other" food as side dishes. And repeat after me: a salad is so much more than just lettuce. A salad is so much more than just lettuce. Repeat and start here:

Dark Leafy Greens. Collard greens, kale, swiss chard, spinach, turnip greens, arugula, watercress, beet tops, dandelion greens. These leafy friends are the most nutrient dense, raw foods that are available to the human diet. Learn to enjoy them and start to substitute regular lettuce with any of these. Wash, chop and spin just as you would prepare regular lettuce and keep in paper towel lined zip locs ready for use anytime. I suggest you start with kale and spinach. Say goodbye to romaine and iceberg. Use these greens as your salad base- and start to add in some of the more peppery tasting greens such as arugula and watercress. Experiment with them all. It won't hurt to eat more nutrients!

Roast Away! Here is a quick roasting 101 lesson that will thank me for. Trust me- it's easier than you think. Take a bunch of vegetables. Your pick. Cut them lengthwise. I like golden beets, regular beets, red peppers, onions, sweet potatoes and cherry tomatoes (no need to cut these). Take a baking pan, toss in all the vegetables. Drizzle a bunch of extra virgin olive oil (always use a high quality oil, preferably from Italy where pesticides and chemicals are verboten), coating all vegetables well, and sprinkle a generous amount of coarse sea salt and some brown sugar on top. Put the pan into a 400' oven and set the timer for about 50 minutes. The vegetables will caramelize and cook together so well and will add such flavor and excitement to your greens. Believe me.

Go Nuts. Stock up on pepitas (pumpkin seeds), sunflower seeds, walnuts, raw almonds, peanuts and toss them into your salad. They will add protein, cholesterol fighting fatty acids, vitamin E, omega 3's, riboflavins, fiber, antioxidants which in turn means they help with mood, improve cognitive function and can prevent heart disease.

Stop Dressing. Bottled dressing that is. Invest in some fresh organic lemons, sea salt, agave nectar, a good quality Balsamic vinegar and olive oil and start to use that as your dressing. Experiment each time. Toss in some fresh chopped basil, oregano, rosemary or parsley for extra flavor. Add mashed avocado to your oil and vinegar to create a creamy texture. Add crushed garlic for some extra zing.

I guarantee salad success with these suggestions. Every salad I create is a different epicurean experience each time- which keeps things interesting and the waistline trim. Side dish- no more!  xo ginny

PS. If you choose to add some animal protein make sure it's clean, grass-fed, or wild farmed. Every now and then I like to add in some lemon-poached, or grilled wild caught Alaskan salmon for an extra punch of omega 3's, fatty acids and flavor.

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