Saturday, March 20, 2010

changing views

I think awhile back I blogged on watching Food Inc with my husband and two younger sons, Mark and Kevin. My youngest son Kevin watched it took it in, asked some questions and went about life. So it seemed did Mark. When Food Inc was over he said it wouldn't really be realistic to think you can only eat grass fed, organic beef because that would rule out 5 Guys. I was surprised that was the first thing he had to say after such an intense film. He added that I was on a guilt trip with them. The knowledge had been given to them take it as they may. The next day I was alone with Mark and once again I asked after sleeping on it did he have any more thoughts on the movie. He said yes he had gleaned some awareness and did not really say more than that. Shortly after that we were in Fresh Market when the meat counter attendant told us they use Factory Farmed beef only and it was loaded with antibiotics. Perhaps that added more fuel for thought. (last week by the way while I was there I went back to the counter and asked the big question...why aren't you carrying grass fed???? The answer no surprise is that they tried to carry grass fed and no one wanted to spend the extra money for it guess people don't get it yet you pay for it and more later in health care)

Interesting thing is that last week I served the boys and my husband a simple meal of turkey burgers. Mark said he didn't want it, he wanted to begin playing around with vegetarianism. At first I thought it was just a ploy not to eat the turkey burger, not his favorite thing. After disregarding him for a few days I realized he is truly serious. He makes it very clear it is not about the animals, but about his health. I respect his opinion and thoughts immensely and am so grateful no matter what his reasons to see once again knowledge is power.
Today is the first day of spring, renewal and new paths open for us. I am so glad of the path Mark is trying on. xo ginny

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