Sunday, March 14, 2010

knowledge is key

Interesting, I am once again contemplating going vegetarian and giving up the fish I eat. I guess for me that struggle is the same one people struggle with when they give up meat and poultry. For me these were never part of my everyday world. They have always been a foreign thing to eat. I have impatience with those that eat meat without taking the responsibility of knowing the animals' situation and basing their decision without that knowledge. Am I any better though since I still love and consume fish? I don't feel any connection to these creatures but does that mean it is ok to eat them?
Oprah had a great show on last week about eating organic whole foods. Michael Pollen was interviewed and he does still eat animal flesh, but with extreme care. He knows well the source. I believe that is the first step...knowledge but I do believe within the next generation there will be a huge reversal from the 200 pds of beef the average American eats compared with the pound and a half of asparagus the typical American eats. Lets start that process. Eat more greens, if you eat beef make sure it is USDA organic which means it has no added hormones and pesticides. Eat only grass fed. Open your eyes and take control. Yes, it is more expensive in the short term but long term healthcare will be much cheaper. xo ginny

1 comment:

  1. There is something fundamentally wrong about the way food is perceived- eaten- and presented in America. I was easily able to eat completely vegetarian for two weeks while in Asia and Europe. The choices are vast- and one never feels hungry or deprived. In contrast, back home - the choices are limited both at the supermarket and at restaurants. It is going to take years of someone seriously drumming good eating habits to children for a whole American food culture to change.


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