Tuesday, September 28, 2010

DAY 3- Juice Recipes

You will have these juices at: 9am, 12 pm, 3 pm and 6pm.

Day 3 consists of two different juices. Let's call them Juice 1 and Juice 2. You will drink 2 of each, at set times. For example: Juice 1 and 9am and 12pm, and Juice 2 at 3 and 6pm.

Juice 1- Yields 2 juice servings
6 carrots
2 apples
1 orange
1/2 large beet
2 stalks of celery
optional, but STRONGLY encouraged, flaxseed oil or ground flaxseed 2 rounded TBL
Blend all together in a high powered blender or Vitamix, until smooth.

Juice 2- Yields 2 juice servings
4 kale leaves
2 bunches of parsely
2 handfulls of watercress
8 broccoli spears
1 pineapple
optional, but STRONGLY encouraged, flaxseed oil or ground flaxseed 2 rounded TBL
Blend all together in a high powered blender or Vitamix, until smooth.

Remember to listen to your body. As you have been nourishing your body only with pure, clean fruit and vegetable juices and cleansing itself of toxins and heavy foods- you may (0r may not) be feeling lightheaded or tired. If you do- then let yourself rest. Practice slow-moving stretching or Yoga poses while focusing on steady, deep breaths.

Drink plenty of water between juices. Add lemon to the water for flavor- and even feel free to drink decaf- natural herbal teas.

As I have suggested before- if you are hungry- then eat only either a 1/2 avocado, plain, or 10 almonds. Eat slowly and chew thoroughly and mindfully.

This the last day of your Detox cleanse.
Tomorrow you will want to slowly introduce solid foods back to your system- I will post something later about the best food choices- so you don't put your body into shock!

Hope you have been feeling lighter and more radiant, so far...

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