Sunday, September 19, 2010

juice with me.

I thought this would be a great week to do some detoxing. The 19th is on the other side of the midway point of September and fall is coming. For me this truly feels like the time when the schedules are set, the back to school nights are behind, Jewish holidays and all the undertakings for that finished. College kids off, and life falls into the routine of the coming school year whether you have kids or not. The September school cycle is forever part of our lives. For me this is when I look up and ask myself what is my health routine going to be? Changes in exercise or continuation? How is my eating? Have I joined my CSA? Where is my body at, how do I feel internally?
In past years though not every year, I have changed gyms at this time went from yoga to pilates and back again. Changed yoga studios, gyms and trainers and gone from spinning to running, all between late September and late October.
This year the changes are slighter, my yoga center and teachers are secure, I am at home where I practice and love the feeling of peace and joy I get from going there. Love the sweat, love the way it relaxes my limbs, and my mind.
My training at the gym is not going through any major shifts, same trainer, at the small gym I love, where it truly does feel like the old Cheers refrain, " Where everyone knows your name." My training does not offer me solitude, but gives me a feeling of strength and vitality. I have decided to challenge myself, to keep myself aging well. My challenge is to attain a six pack before the winter holidays and to get the cut arms I admire. In my mid forties I want the challenge of keeping the body strong. To get myself ready for my new routine and to embrace all that we can embark on for our own bodies I ask you to join me in juicing this week.
Here is tomorrow's juice menu
using a juicer is best, if you do not have a vitamix or strong blender will work.
1st juice at 9 am 2nd at 12 pm
3 carrots
2 sticks celery
1 bunch watercress
1 handful spinach

At 3 pm and 6pm have
2 apples
2 kale leaves
1 stick celery
1/3 long cucumber
1/2 beet (root cut off)
You will encounter hunger pains that is your body cleaning and regulating itself embrace the feeling of hunger. It is a wonderful thing to feel, to know we don't have to over feed ourselves or beautiful body always tells us what it needs. If you cannot tolerate it, or it makes you too uncomfortable have 10 raw almonds or 1/4 Haas avocado.

Let me know your feedback as to how you are feeling.
xo ginny

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