Monday, May 16, 2011

Organic Summer

It's funny, I have always loved summer, but loved to escape Miami for as long as possible during it. We would pack the 4 boys up and head out. For a few years we rented a place in Vermont, then spent a lot of time in North Carolina, Utah beckoned next.
As the years pass we seem to be in Miami more though. The reason being we need to work around our kids jobs, internhips, sporting camps, -in other words we are no longer running the show,  they are running ours. Like so much in life the tables have turned. 

Of the past  couple of summers when we have been here I have loved it. The idlesness, lack of schedule, the feeling that Miami is pretty empty and you are one of the few.
 The heavy air I now embrace,  I love the tropical, sensual smell that fills my senses. I love the clothing that by necesity becomes so loose and light, so tropical. I love the sight of the pure casualness we all excude here in these steamy months. My blow dryer gets put away all summer and my crazy curls come out. Make up? Forget it, it just melts in our heat. 

So like many things in my life I feel the need to mark it, invite it in, plan for it,  and so it goes with my organic summers. Every year of late I have had new themes to each one. This one I especially needed to as I say,  go back to my organic roots. Slow down in my thoughts,  and begin my meditation practice that has grown lapse,  get my skin back to its glow.  I decided action was necessary,  I have been back to accupuncture to get the stress out, sleep back, and working on my digestion.

To that end I have decided to be vegetarian for the summer and that began last week. To mark that as its own beginning I had a colonic done today. Talk about feeling fresh and clean-nothing like a great colonic. Here in Miami/Miami Beach I wouldn't use anyone but Naima, at Nirvana Spa. You will meet someone it is an honor to be near, she works on your body,  as your spiritual side is centered. She is a gift. I am skipping out of the gym this week focusing on getting the great feeling of the sweat and release nothing gives me like yoga. How do I feel?...Growing happier, more content and peaceful by the moment, and summer has just begun for me, can't wait for the kids to finish school and join me in my state of bliss. 
xo ginny

My gift to you- an incredible way to start each and everyday

Blend up and drink it- this is your breakfast-you will be glowing in a week.

1 head dark green of your choice. Switch it up. Maybe one day kale, another spinach or arugula
1/2 a cucumber
1 apple
1/4 pineapple
1 banana
1 TBL ground flaxseed
water-around 1 1/2 cups.

Vitamix for this is perfect!

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