Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Son Comes Back

On Mother's Day this year, I received the most beautiful present a mother can receive, my oldest child graduating college.
 As you know I have 4 sons, beautiful kids, good natured, kind and responsible. Respected throughout the community. I have to tell you though this child, my eldest son, was a tough one, for a while there. A rebel without a cause, a boy who couldn't quite find his place in the world. The type that tries so hard to fit in, he decides, to challenge it all. Needless to say, I wasn't sure my marriage would make it through, I was sure I would have a full head of gray within months and I had no idea how much acne one could get as an adult carrying such stress.
I was tough, I felt my job was to get this kid to adulthood, safely...I wasn't concerned with being his friend at that point, just wanted him to live and get through the teenage years. I put on my fighting gloves, and fought for this kid's survival. I felt I was in a battle and was not going to let him down.  

Fast forward a few years later and this boy  graduates Cum Laude from college, a top business student in his entire college, a boy, now a man, going to enter law school this fall. And of course that boy still reappears in the funniest, endearing ways now. He wanted to wear pj's under his cape and gown. (he didn't) 

I still remember driving in the car, alone just he and I,  he was 19 at the time, he turned to me and said," I am tired of having the rough guy image,  I have changed inside, how to I change the way the world perceives me?   It was a life changing moment in my life. I knew at that moment that  the struggle was over, my kid, my beautiful boy was back.

Today, he is a gorgeous guy inside and out, with  a fierce sense of pride and protectiveness over his family. Loyal beyond words.  He is always the life of the household, loud, messy, and always hungry. 

 He is now overly wise about making sure his two brothers still in high school, understand, about keeping safe, he personally takes such pride in their achievements, he talks with them and guides them through issues. He is like a mini dad, how grateful I am life has given this beautiful boy, the strength to discover how powerful he is, when he discovered himself. 

Welcome home, eldest son of mine, I am so proud of you.  The love I feel for  you, words are inadequate to describe.
xo Mom

Scott's Favorite 
Could it be more simple or delicious...
Mom's Homemade Tomato Sauce

Saute 3 cloves garlic in olive oil
after 3 minutes add in

 4 chopped carrots
4 chopped celery stalks
1 med yellow onion

let simmer on low for 30 minutes to richly develop flavors
add in 
4 cups chopped tomatoes, fresh or canned Italian tomatoes ( I like San Marzano)
2 TBL basil
1 TBL sugar (to balance the tartness of the tomatoes)
1 Small can tomato paste
2 cups water (may need more depending on how thick you like your sauce)
S & P to taste
bring to a boil then simmer for 1-2 hours if time allows.

Serve with great quality parmesan cheese.

1 comment:

  1. What an absolutely beautiful post! Congratulations, dearest. You and Steve are the MOST amazing parents. I admire you so much. For so many reasons.


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