Friday, October 9, 2009

Soy information

There is alot of confusion in the American consumer's mind as to whether soy products are healthy or not. How much and in what form is best?  There is misinformation stating that soy causes breast cancer, Alzheimers and man boobs. That information is inaccurate. Soy is a major allergen (as is wheat, nuts, dairy, eggs and seafood). It is also not beneficial for our cholesterol levels as first thought about 10 years ago. Yet it has an important part to play in our diets.

Asians use it as a staple to their diet and they tend to live longer, healthier lives then we do here. Soy is used differently in Asia, it is used in its whole forms tofu, miso, and tempeh. They use it in moderation not make whole meals of it. (Just as they use animal flesh in smaller amounts favoring vegetables) Americans tend to use soy broken down into products such as milk, TVP, (textured vegetable protein) and soy flour. Processing changes the form and nutritional value of the soy. It is healthier in its whole form with its phytonutrients intact, and superlean protein. Tempeh is the best way to go if you like a meaty texture. A 3oz serving generally has about 150 calories. I just bought LightLife tempehtations zesty lemon flavor at Whole Foods. I like to crumble tempeh into my salads or I buy the tofu pasta by Shirataki (4oz  20kcal!) and mix in tempeh my answer to spaghetti with meat sauce. (Shirataki noodles sold in the fruit and veggie section of the organics in Publix) Explore and enjoy there are now so many options including take the silkin tofu and add it to your morning fruit smoothies excellent for the whole family. Quick on rushed school mornings and delicious. Buy the organic frozen berries.  xo ginny

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