Monday, November 23, 2009

The Holiday Time

I was talking to a friend of mine who was saying she is incapable of not putting on pounds between now and the new year. She talked as if it was inevitable. It's not. It is a thought that if you believe it instead of challenging it, it will become the inevitable. It is the same way for aging, if you believe you should feel worse every year you will. If you decide to live your life with the freedom of not carry those thoughts with you but live with vitality you will.
Instead of choosing to eat what is in front of you without thinking or questioning decide now and yes, during the holiday season to take control. Instead of feeling like an overstuffed turkey at the end of the thanksgiving meal take control by making healthy choices. Add your clean vegetables. They are magnificent, the colors, the taste. Yes maybe for some they are an acquired taste. Possibly it is your time to embrace it instead of shrugging your shoulders.
I was recently sitting next to a gentleman at a dinner that I didn't know very well. We got to talking and when I told him what I did with Mindful Organics he started discussing his love for sausages and hotdogs. Felt everyone needed a lot of nitrates in their diet. Yes he looks like he eats alot of hot dogs. Yet he then goes on to say that the aging process is purely genetic... I beg to differ. Make up your mind push through your wants and take care of your needs. Thanksgiving morning get your exercise. Take a spin class, sweat it out in yoga. Just move. xo ginny

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