Sunday, November 1, 2009

Eat your enzymes

Enzymes are complex protein molecules found in all our cells in our bodies. Their purpose is to rebuild cells, break down fats and nutrients and decrease inflammation in the body.  Digestive enzymes produced by our systems are also found in raw fruits and vegetables. (Especially in pineapple, papaya and sprouts) The enzymes keep our systems running at optimal levels. When we eat too much processed foods and not enough raw foods we run the risk of not producing enough enzymes. This is the  reason raw foodists feel so strongly about how high their food can be heated to before the enzymes are killed off. 
Frequently the symptoms of not enough enzymes are bloating, cramping, gas and weight gain.  Enzyme supplements cause better digestiion sometimes with the first dosage. The people who benefit most are those suffering from food intolerances, cystic fibrosis, autism, pancreatitis and those suffering from chronic pain. Enzymes taken in conjunction with probiotics make each do the others job better.
Questions on probiotics? Let me know and I will add a blog on them next.  xo ginny

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